Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Unscrupulous Solicitation!

OK ladies and gents!

Just like the title of this email says, we are here to solicit help from you! We know we have been asking for a lot lately, and you have been soooooooo generous! You have blown our minds in ways that we could never have even hoped, and shown what a Mighty Amazing God we serve!

As you know, we have been selected as a featured family in June with an organization called Give1Save1. You can find out more about them here:

The gist is this... they feature a family on their blog for one week, during that week they ask their readers to donate $1.00 to the families adoption cause. They also ask the family to spread the word like wildfire! This is the key to this fundraiser being successful! The more people that see it, the more potential earnings we get to bring home sweet Hank and Liam!
We are excited to announce that will be hosted June 3-7! That's only 5 days away!

So here is what we are asking you to do, and please know, yes, we know that we are asking a lot of you and we appreciate you more than words can say!
We are asking you to share our story, share our blog, Do you have a website you can post our video on? Maybe your business or place of work will let you post it? Can you post it on your facebook feed, college website, church website, twitter feed, send it to every email in your address book?

It would mean the world to us if we could get this out to thousands and thousands of people! We are praying that we could complete our funding next week which means we need to raise $26,000 dollars! We know that's a lot, but we have already raised over $21,000.00 thanks to your amazing generosity!

There is something in it for you to (other than our eternal love and gratitude:). Every day next week we will be giving something away on our blog! For every dollar given you will receive an entry in that days raffle (this is your first step). Then for every share, email, etc. you will receive an additional entry, then if that share results in a dollar given via a referral from you, you will receive an additional entry!

For example:
You give $10.00 on Tuesday and you are entered 10 times into a raffle for the $100.00 target gift card, you share us on your website and receive another entry. Then someone gives $10.00 and tells us you referred them and you receive an additional ten entries!

Woo hoo! you have 21 entries for the $100.00 target gift card!

We know that this is a lot to ask, but we know that we serve a Great Big God who calls us to ask of him expectantly!
Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts!
The Brewers,
Kelly, Taylor, Tatum, Blakely, and coming soon Hank and Liam!

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