Friday, February 15, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,


Please know that if you are seeing this you are very important to our family. You have played a role in our past, our present, and we are asking you to join us in our future. We are asking you to join us on a very special journey we have embarked on! Even when we were dating we both knew that we were called to adopt and that someday God would add a child to our family through this process. We are excited to say that God has not only led us to begin the adoption process, but we have already accepted the referral of a precious 2 year old boy from the Democratic Republic of Congo!

We are humbled to be called to this journey. Although we know that not everyone is called to take an orphan into their home we are asking that you would join with us in this journey in whatever way God leads you to do so. First of all, we ask for prayer. Specifically for the following:


·        For God to direct our path

·        That any red tape would be removed and paperwork could be completed in a speed that could only be attributed to God. Because our son has already been matched with us we need to move extra fast!

·        For funds to complete our adoption

Secondly and just as important, we would humbly like to ask for financial support. As you probably know adoption is expensive. In order for this adoption to go forward, we need to have somewhere around $28,000-$30,000. We are working very hard to save our own money, hold fundraisers, have garage sales etc. to collect funds, however we are asking you to partner with us in any way you can. We can’t do this without you! Some of the ways you can help are:

·        Join our 1,000 friends campaign: Do you know ten people (or more), that we may not know who are willing to give $10 (just two trips to starbucks) to help bring our son home?

·        Do you own a small business, etsy shop etc.? –consider donating a portion of your proceeds. We would be happy to offer you lots of FREE advertising on our blog!

·        Do you have a blog? - share our blog with others. We are using Google ads on our blog as a way to raise funds as well, every time someone clicks on an add we earn!

·        Do you drink coffee? - We have partnered with just love coffee. You can find their information on our blog as well.

·        We will be holding a garage sale in the coming months- do you have things you could donate? Contact us and we will coordinate with you!

·        Do you have airline miles you are willing to donate? This can be a huge help with air fare! Let us know and we will provide you with our airline advantage numbers.

·        Did you know that you can make a tax deductible donation?! Simply make your check of any amount out to European Adoption Consultants and add our names to the memo line. Then please mail the check to us. We will send it directly to our agency. You will receive a letter in the mail from European Adoption Consultants for your donation.

·        We also have a PayPal link on our blog . Simply click on the link on the right side and donate to our adoption.


We have created this blog to help us document our journey so feel free to follow along. Please click on the link to the right to follow our blog! As soon as we are given the ok we will be debuting our handsome little man’s picture for the world to see! We believe deeply in this call, and we ask boldly for your financial, and prayer support. Without our community we won’t be able to do this emotionally, physically, or financially. Thank you again for your support and prayers!


With love, Kelly, Taylor, Tatum and Blakely Brewer





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